Running by S.C. Bryce

I was gifted Running, by SC Bryce, by Inkspand in exchange for an honest review.
Running begins with Ellie being wrapped in a sheet and placed in a grave. Ellie, 6, was the little sister of Kate, 17, and Tosh, 8(?). After their father had abandoned the kids, their mother abandons them one day because, as Kate says, she knows Kate can take care of them. The kids are staying in an abandoned house, a bungalow, with Mannis, Saul, Dock, and whatever drunks and bums Mannis lets stay the night.
The family has a set routine, until the day the Wolf, Rick, shows up. The Wolf scares everyone; he is mean, just to be mean. He looks like he is made of money and has no real reason to be at the bungalow. Even Mannis is afraid of him.
Although Kate doesn’t realize, she is a strong girl. She does what she can trying to protect her brother and her very good friend Saul. She trusts Mannis to keep her and Tosh safe. She meets the Woodsman, Alden, and learns to trust him.
I was surprised by the ending. I’m not sure if I like it, I think I do. It nicely wrapped up and all loose ends tied. The majority of Running is written in Kate’s point of view- the final section, the wrap-up, was written in other people’s perspective, but it doesn’t change the story, it helps to explain what happened to all the characters.
I would recommend this book to my friends who are fans of young adult, mystery or suspense. Five stars!

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